The first method is simply using the STATION location type.
Start collecting a location as normal.
While in the collection form, click on the LOCATION TYPE icon.
The second method uses a built in feature to Orbitas called 'Streaming Stations". It is typically collected in the manner below.
From the main map screen select a previously collected Location. Or collect a new location and choose that.
This is considered your starting point. Select STREAMING STATIONS from the Location Quick Menu.
You are now in Streaming Stations mode. You notice a STOP STREAMING and PAUSE button.
Map your line and select STOP STREAMING when finished to return to the main map screen.
Given the amount of Stations collected and current zoom level of the map, you may need to "refresh the map" simply by zooming out then in to draw in your STATIONS on the map.
You can adjust the Streaming Delay from the main settings menu. Select the SETTINGS icon and towards the bottom you can adjust the delay. The delay is measured in seconds.
The final method utilizes a supported underground locator. Currently Orbitas Field supports ViVax MetroTech VLoc Pro2 and Pro3 series for one touch collection.
Orbitas Field also supports the use of a 3M Dynatel Locator. For more information on supported locators read this Help Guide.
Pair your locator per instructions listed in the above mentioned help guide.
Collect a reading from your locator and Orbitas Field will automatically store a Station.