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Creating New Users/User Groups

Creating New Users/User Groups

Orbitas RMS gives you the ability to create an unlimited number of Users and User Groups. This allows you to easily maneuver your available licenses to users at your choosing.

Creating new Users and User Groups

Begin by selecting MANAGE USERS from the left hand menu.
Make your selection between creating a User or a User Group.

User Groups are a helpful way to organize some subscriptions that have a multi regional or multi faceted workflow. They can also be a great way to split up the subscription between different configurations. Once a User Group is created you can begin to create Users to place into that group.

To create, click on either USER GROUPS or USERS from the left hand menu under MANAGE USERS and click CREATE in the top right corner of the table.

Fill in the information.
Although an email is not required, it is useful. The email is used as the notification method for updates, configuration changes, uploaded jobs, and more. Select which role you would like that User to have and click CREATE.

The available ROLES can be defined as such:

Subscription Administrator-
Is in charge of the whole subscription.
*This role can not be assigned by a fellow Subscription Admin, it must be assigned by a SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR
If you would like another Subscription Administrator added to your subscription, please contact a Triglobal representative.

  • Modify and dispatch Configuration
  • Modify and dispatch Backgrounds
  • Assign and Revoke Licenses(not create)
  • Create User Groups and Users
  • Assign privileges to each User (Group Admin, Group User, Subscription User)
  • See all User Jobs from all User Groups
  • Export and Import Jobs
  • Assign Jobs to any User in any User Group
  • Archive and Restore Archived Jobs
  • Reset/Edit User passwords
  • Reset iOS device ID’s

Group Administrator-
Similar to a Subscription Administrator, but is only in charge of the Group that has been assigned.

  • View and Modify Users within their Group
  • See all Jobs from within their User Group
  • Export and Import Jobs within their Group
  • Assign Jobs to any user within their Group
  • Archive Jobs

Subscription User-
This is the basic Field Editor license designed for Users not assigned to a specific group

  • See all Jobs collected under that license
  • Export and Import Jobs collected under that license
  • Archive Jobs collected within that license

Group User-
Similar to the Subscription User, however this license is restricted only to a specific group

  • See all Jobs collected under that license
  • Export and Import Jobs collected under that license
  • Archive Jobs collected within that license

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