Staking Support

Parenting Feature

Data Collection

Parenting Feature

*This set of guides is based on knowledge of basic features and functions within Orbitas Field. To familiarize yourself with the basic set, please review here.

By default Orbitas will “Parent” your current location to the previously collected location. Read below to learn about the methods used to change a parent, and how to further use the parenting feature.

Within Orbitas there are (2) methods of using the Parenting Feature.

Adding a Parent while collecting a Location.

Collect a location as normal, however before saving the location click on the PARENT icon.

Orbitas opens the main map with your previously collected locations.

Use iOS gestures to move around the map and click on the location you wish to be the Parent of your current location.
If there are several locations bunched together, Orbitas will display a list of location names to choose from.
After selecting your Parent you are returned to the location form.

Make any further remarks you need and click the SAVE icon to save your location.

Adding a Parent using the Location Quick Feature Menu.
While on the map screen, select the location you wish to change the parent on. The Location Quick Menu appears above your location.
Select EDIT to open the location collection form.
Proceed as above by clicking on the PARENT icon.
Choose your Parent and click on the SAVE icon to save your location.

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