
Icon appears offset

Why do my icons in Orbitas appear to be offset?

Orbitas Icons appear offset:

Orbitas Field utilizes a Google Map API, so therefore utilizes Google icons.
Have you ever noticed that the default Google icons are all "TearDrop" shaped?
(see image below)

That is because a Google Map icon is a 40x40 PNG, with the placement of the icon at the bottom center of the 40x40 image box.

So, if you were to utilize the icon above in the 1st picture below, the actual point would be at the bottom of the teardrop icon.


If you utilized a circle or other icon inside of a 40x40 icon box… It would look like the picture below.

The actual position of the collected location would be at the center bottom of the image box, not the center bottom of the icon image.

Orbitas Field logo black
Tri-Global Logo navbar